CO-Working hours
We invite you to come to Jeff's Place to work or study between 12-5 on Mondays-Thursdays. Use the downstairs entrance (the door facing the Beltline) and someone will let you in the building. We ask that you leave by 5 so that Chabad Intown can use the space for events.
monday’s at jeff’s place
Need a place to host your Monday-morning business meeting? Looking to meet a friend for breakfast and coffee? Craving some bagels and lox before heading into the office?
Look no further!
venue guidelines
Jeff's Place maintains high security standards for your safety and ours. If the door is locked press "Call Bridgette" at the Butterfly Box from the Beltline entrance. This will initiate a video call to Jeff's Place staff, who will let you in.
If possible, please email jeffsplace@chabadintown.org the day before to confirm availability. While we welcome walk-ups, our venue hosts a number of events throughout the year, and the workspace may have changed to another room.

Weekly events
Sundays | 5:00pm at Chabad Intown
Sundays | 7:30pm at Chabad Intown
aa women’s weekly meeting
Thursdays | 8:00PM at Chabad Intown
co-working hours
Mondays-Thursdays | 12-5 at Chabad Intown
annual events
• Sober Purim
• Sober Shabbat
• Sober Seder
• High Holidays for those in Recovery + their loved ones
• Narcan Workshops
• Recovery Speakers
• Annual Retreats
For more information about our events contact us here.